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2009/12 > Chinese Desk: Cabinet Beau de Loménie strengthens relations with China

Cabinet Beau de Loménie has announced that it is establishing a Chinese desk devoted to its Chinese clients and local intellectual property experts, as well as to assist its European clients seeking to do business in China.

The establishment of the Chinese desk is complementary to the Japanese desk led by Keiko Watanabe, and enables the firm not only to reinforce its links with the very dynamic Chinese market, but also to consolidate its presence is Asia.

The Chinese desk will be managed by Hua Meng, who joined the firm on the 1st of October. Drawing upon her knowledge of intellectual property, he assists the firm’s clients with their activities in China, acts as an intermediary between the firm and the administrative authorities in China, and he supervises the cases handled in collaboration with local experts. Hua Menga also coordinates relations with Chinese clients and monitors the progress of their cases and facilitates communication with the patent and trademark attorneys in charge of their cases.Hua Meng holds a Master’s degree in Intellectual Property Management from Paris-Nord 13 University and a B.A in International Commerce from the International Commerce Institute of Shandong.

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